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What is Verbal Aggression?

Verbal aggression is a communication-based form of violence. When someone engages in verbal aggression, he or she uses words to attack another person’s self-concept in order to frighten, intimidate, or control the other person. This type of abuse can occur in a variety of settings, including romantic relationships, family interactions, and workplace environments. People who engage in verbal aggression may have a variety of reasons for doing so, including personality traits, familial history, past experiences, and mental illness.

One of the most common causes of verbally aggressive is an aggressive personality trait called argumentativeness. This is a tendency to favor verbal conflict resolution strategies over more passive alternatives. People who display this tendency often use verbal aggression to gain power and control others in a relationship. They are also more likely to resort to physical aggression when the situation calls for it. A number of studies have examined the link between argumentativeness and verbal aggression.

Another reason for engaging in verbal aggression is a person’s own feelings of victimization and low self-esteem. Those who suffer from these issues are often unable to see that the abuse they receive is wrong. They may blame themselves for the abuse, wondering if they are overreacting or “bringing it on themselves.” The goal of the abuser is to destroy the victim’s sense of worth and personal integrity.

The effects of verbal aggression are often incredibly damaging and can be just as dangerous as physically violent behaviors. Victims of this type of abuse experience depression, PTSD, and difficulty regulating their emotions. They may also experience a loss of confidence and have trouble trusting others. In addition, if they are in a relationship with a person who is abusing them verbally, it can be very isolating since this type of abuse happens in private where other people cannot intervene.

It is important to know the signs of verbal abuse so you can identify them in your own relationships. Some of the most obvious are yelling, screaming, swearing, and threats of physical violence. Other common signs of verbal abuse are name-calling, shaming, and criticizing. Some abusive people will even ridicule you in public.

A study that interviewed 31 couples attempted to understand why some couples use verbal aggression. The researchers found that some abusers justify their behavior by citing social customs as a valid basis for aggression. Other abusive behaviors may include demeaning and humiliating behavior, kicking, hitting, and slapping.

Those who have experienced verbal abuse in the workplace may feel unable to confront the perpetrator because they may fear losing their job or being accused of bullying, which is illegal in some states. It is possible to resolve this situation by talking to the abuser and requesting that they stop the abuse. Documenting incidents of abuse may help, as well. You should also speak with your human resources department, as they may be able to provide you with helpful advice and information.

If you are in a relationship with someone who is using verbal aggression, seek out the help of a professional. A therapist will be able to guide you through a process of healing and recovery. They can teach you how to communicate in a healthy and effective way so you do not have to live with this type of abuse any longer.

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